If a person owns or otherwise controls a legal entity together with one or more related parties and their control together exceeds 25 percent, it must be stated. If the related parties control equal shares, all must be registered as the beneficial owner. Related parties are spouse /partner/cohabitant/registered partner, parents, children and the children's spouses /cohabitant/registered partner.
A person who indirectly owns or controls a legal entity must also be considered a beneficial owner. In these cases, we need information about all stages of the ownership chain.

If beneficial owner is missing

If there is no one who ultimately owns or controls the business, there is no beneficial owner. In these cases, we need information about the company's CEO, chairman of the board or a person with a similar position. You should list the person who has the most control over the business. If neither person has more control than the other, both persons must be indicated.