Our services

Contact us

Digital devices with hands, tablet, laptop, smartphone

With our digital services it is easy for you to keep track of your finances, send money, pay bills and oversee your savings. Our digital service, for customers, are always open.

Contact Centre Private

You can perform several different transactions via self-service, or get help from an advisor via personal service in Swedish and English.

Contact Centre Corporate

We can answer your general questions in Swedish and English. If you are connected to personal service with a code, we will also assist you with advice and bank transactions for your company.

Digital Support

When you require technical assistance or support for the Internet Bank, the app or our other digital services, please call our Support division. Open 24 hours a day,* available in Swedish and English.

*Exceptions to opening hours apply on some statutory holidays such as Christmas, Easter and Midsummer.

Blocking your card

Have you lost your debet card?

Block and replace your card in the internet bank

Block your card by calling +46 (0)8 411 10 11

Contact the bank

For customers

You can choose between self-service or personal service where you can talk with an advisor, in Swedish or English. Call 033-16 65 00 from Sweden or +46 (0)33-16 65 00 from outside the country.

In order to call the bank you will need to have access to our telephone service, which you can order in the internet bank under the menu option Övriga tjänster (Other services) and Telefonbanken (Telephone banking). If you don’t have access to the internet bank, you can visit one of our branch offices.

For non-customers

Call our telephone service.

Head office and Sparbanken Sjuhärad's contact and administrative information
Visiting address:
Allégatan 55, Sparregatan 8 samt Åsbogatan 8, Borås
Postal address:
Box 1730, 501 17 Borås
Sort code:
+4633-16 65 00
+4633-16 66 60
Swift code:
Legal Entity Identifier, LEI:
Reg. no:
VAT Reg. no:

Handling of complaints

For us it is important that you as customers are satisfied with our service and products.